
Christopher Jacobs, Ph.D

AIMBE College of Fellows Class of 2013
For fundamental advances in cellular biomechanics and mechanosensing, and for the training and mentoring of leaders in biomechanics.

Prof. Jacobs Awarded Van C. Mow Medal

Via Columbia BME | December 3, 2013

We are pleased to announce that Professor Christopher R. Jacobs of the Department of Biomedical Engineering has been awarded the 2014 ASME Van C. Mow Medal in bioengineering. The coveted ASME Van C. Mow Medal is bestowed upon an individual who has demonstrated meritorious contributions to the field of bioengineering through research, education, professional development, leadership in the development of the profession, mentorship to young bioengineers, and with service to the bioengineering community.  Professor Jacobs will be the tenth recipient of the Mow medal. The annual selection of the Mow Medal recipient is by an independent ASME Awards Committee. 

Professor Jacobs is the only Columbia University engineering professor thus far to have received this ASME-Bioengineering Mow Medal since its inception ten years ago.  This award to Professor Jacobs is particularly meaningful as Professor Mow recruited Professor Jacobs from Stanford University to Columbia in 2008.  Professor Mow is the Stanley Dicker Professor and was the Inaugural Chair of the Biomedical Engineering Department at Columbia, 1995-2011.