
Cedric F. Walker, Ph.D., P.E.

AIMBE College of Fellows Class of 2000

A Vision for the Maker Space

Via Tulane University | September 30, 2015

What if you could build virtually any structure that you can imagine? Soon, Tulane University students will be able to create almost anything, thanks to the vision of alumni and faculty members.

Located in the former engineering machine shop, the Maker Space is a center for design, invention, innovation and fabrication. What was an antiquated machine shop is now a beacon of creativity and technological innovation, the first of its kind at Tulane. A 1,000-square-foot ideation gallery rises above 3,000 square feet of shop floor fitted with high-volume modern prototyping tools alongside traditional hand and power tools.

“You can turn original creative ideas into a reality that you can hold in your hand,” says biomedical engineering professor emeritus Cedric Walker. “And it can all be done safely without cutting tools that could harm a student… Continue reading.