
Robert Tranquillo, Ph.D.

AIMBE College of Fellows Class of 1999
For establishing the theoretical framework for cellular cytomechanics, development of modeling foundation for cell guidance in tissue-equivalent leadership in AlChE.

Hybrid Tissue Engineered-Regen Med Heart Valve Can Grow in Recipient

Via Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News | March 17, 2021

Researchers led by University of Minnesota Twin Cities scientists from both the College of Science and Engineering and the Medical School said they have demonstrated for the first time that lab-created heart valves implanted in young lambs for a year were capable of growth within the recipient.

The valves reportedly also showed reduced calcification and improved blood flow function compared to animal-derived valves currently used when tested in the same growing lamb model.

If confirmed in humans, these new heart valves could prevent the need for repeated valve replacement surgeries in thousands of children born each year with congenital heart defects, according to the research team, which notes that the valves can also be stored for at least six months, which means they could provide surgeons with an “off-the-shelf” option for treatment… Continue reading.